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Chuck Dingée - Rhythm Guitar, Vocals, Sax, Flute, Congas


Chuck is one of the founding members of The Walrus and hosts an open mic at 'Ono Kitchen & Bar in Bellingham on Tuesday nights. Chuck also plays many solo gigs, in a group with Sharon Mayson called Free Harmony, and in a duo with Carr Johnson. He has been playing rock 'n roll since the 1960s. He got his first guitar in 1965; saw the Beatles in Comiskey Park, Chicago, in 1966; and has memorized 17,483 rock, pop, folk and funk tunes since. (Note: He has not memorized all 17,483 lyrics, however. Nor does he claim to have heard the Beatles in Comiskey Park even though he was in the fifth row; there were too many screaming girls.)

  • Birthday: September 15
  • Favorite Beatle: George
  • Who or what inspired you to get into music?
    "The Beatles"
  • Who inspires you now?
    "The Walrus."
  • Crowning musical moment:
    "Being flashed by Hilary Clinton (he says) as she walked on stage at Seattle's Paramount Theater for a 2000 Democratic Party event. Also, remembering all the lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody."
  • Most embarrassing musical moment:
    "Forgetting the lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody."
  • Other thoughts:
    Breaks occasional strings on his acoustic guitars. Likes hiking, photography, sailing, finding wild mushrooms and SCRABBLE. He lives in Bellingham with his first wife, Kathy Sheehan.

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